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Fundamentals of Acoustics by Lawrence E. Kinsler, Austin... ISBN: 9780471847892
Illustrated Guide to the Mountain Streams Insects of Colorado by Ward, James V., Kondratieff... ISBN: 9780870816536 List Price: $21.95
Quantum Electrodynamics by Berestetskii, V. B., Landau... ISBN: 9780750633710 List Price: $59.95
W. E. B. Du Bois on Asia Crossing the World Color Line by Mullen, Bill V., Watson, Ca... ISBN: 9781578068203 List Price: $20.00
Capillary Liquid Chromatography (Macromolecular Compounds) by Belenkii, B. G., Gankina, E... ISBN: 9780306109942 List Price: $114.00
Parametric Continuation and Optimal Parametrization in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics by Shalashilin, V. I., Kuznets... ISBN: 9789048163915 List Price: $145.00
Effects Of Low Dose Radiation New Aspects Of Radiobiological Research Prompted By The Cherno... by Burlakova, E. B., Naiditch,... ISBN: 9789067644143 List Price: $268.00
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis / Moderne Methoden der Pflanzenanalyse (English, German and... by K. Biemann, N. K. Boardman,... ISBN: 9783642459955 List Price: $99.00
Statistical Nature of Strength and Lifetime in Polymer Films and Fibers by Tsoi, B., Kartashov, E. M.,... ISBN: 9789067643993 List Price: $280.00
Mathematical Conversations Multicolor Problems, Problems in the Theory of Numbers, and Rando... by Dynkin, E. B., Uspenskii, V... ISBN: 9780486453514 List Price: $16.95
Elliptic Theory and Noncommutative Geometry: Nonlocal Elliptic Operators by Nazaikinskii, V. E., Savin,... ISBN: 9783764387747
Dementia Presentations, Differential Diagnosis, and Nosology by Emery, V. Olga B., Oxman, T... ISBN: 9780801846816 List Price: $85.00
Firestarters 100 Job Profiles to Inspire Young Women by Salvaggio Bradshaw, Dale V.... ISBN: 9781593573102 List Price: $14.95
Methods of Noncommutative Analysis Theory and Applications by Nazaikinskii, Vladimir E., ... ISBN: 9783110146325 List Price: $157.95
Bifurcation and Localisation Theory in Geomechanics Proceedings of the 5th International Wor... by Muhlhaus, H. B., Dyskin, A.... ISBN: 9789026518232 List Price: $149.50
Sex Differences in Lateralization in the Animal Brain by Bianki, V. L., Filippova, E... ISBN: 9789058230881 List Price: $129.95
Rituals of the First Four Grades: Societatis Rosicrucianae Rebpub Confoed America by Meyer, Charles E., Voorhis,... ISBN: 9781169674998 List Price: $25.56
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Vol. 1 by Gorbatsevich, V. V., Onishc... ISBN: 9783540186977 List Price: $149.00
Geometry: Volume 2: Spaces of Constant Curvature (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences) by Vinberg, E. B., Vinberg, E.... ISBN: 9783642080869 List Price: $149.00
Progress in Neutron Capture Therapy for Cancer by Allen, B. J., Harrington, B... ISBN: 9781461364948 List Price: $99.00
Development of Sensory Systems (Handbook of Sensory Physiology) by C. M. Bate, V. McMillan Car... ISBN: 9783642668821 List Price: $129.00
Fundamentals of Geophysical Hydrodynamics by Dolzhansky, F. V., Gledzer,... ISBN: 9783642310331 List Price: $109.00
Die Krankheiten des Gehrorgans: Zweiter Teil Krankheiten des usseren, Mittleren und Inneren ... by G. Alexander, O. Beck, C. E... ISBN: 9783540010333 List Price: $69.95
Nanochastitsy svintsa: Poluchenie i svoystva (Russian Edition) by E. V. Shmanova, V. E. Boche... ISBN: 9783843309394 List Price: $66.00
Molekulyarnaya genetika shtammov Streptococcus pneumoniae: vydelennykh u detey s tuberkulez... by Yu. E. Skurikhina, V. B. Tu... ISBN: 9783847324652 List Price: $80.00
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